Thursday, 2 April 2009

As Kim Jong-Il would say, it was inebitable... in-in-INEBITABLE!

I knew I would.

And I do.

Last night instead of going to the gym, I arrived home exhausted and, as is common, was in two minds as to whether to go to the gym or not. Normally when I have these thoughts I realise that every small decision is important, and that to miss one would be the thin end of the wedge – I’d find ways of justifying missing trips to the gym in the future, until I failed to go at all. Usually that’s been enough of a deterrent for me.

But I went to my room to get changed and just made a snap decision. It was time for a night off, so I’d give it a miss.

I made this decision fully cognisant that I would be mired in guilt as soon as I got to the point of no return. I even considered, albeit briefly, that I could go on another 10km run. But I had the house to myself and I settled down with a good book and relaxed for the night. I didn’t even have the TV on.

From a cerebral point of view it was a fine night – Dad would be proud – but I didn’t exercise. And I feel guilty.

Damn it.


That has just made me more determined to try something else that will ensure I use my time more efficiently. I don’t know why I didn’t do this before actually.

I took my gym bag to work, and tonight, for the first time, I ran from work to the gym, and from the gym to home. It turns a one hour trip to get from work to the gym via home into a 15 minute run. And the run home is almost an identical length. That, of course, means I have a warm-up and cool down routine sorted also, and more time at the gym to do my main programme (not to mention using less fuel).

So it’s a winner then. All I have to do is to remember to pack my bag and bring it with me, and to remember to do my French homework at some other time (I usually bring it to work, in a different backpack).


This week (Thursday to Thursday) I did less exercise than usual. The gym tonight and a casual hit of cricket on Tuesday is pretty much it for me. I plan to do another 10km run tomorrow of Saturday – I had planned to do the Bridges Fun Run but I found out it’s on Sunday rather than Saturday, which is no chance for me given I have a large night coming this Saturday.

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