Thursday, 26 March 2009


I’ll admit it, I was scared. Not just scared – I actually got butterflies.

On Tuesday, all day all I could think of was the cricket season was over and so I had to change to my winter fitness routine.

The good news is that, without training on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don’t need to go to the gym on Fridays any more.

The scary news is that, to make up for missing two days of training, I’m running on Tuesday nights. And the run, which I did for the first time this Tuesday, is 10km. That’s further than I’ve ever run in my life (err, in one go). I was a bit intimidated about moving into double figures. In fact I could think of little else on Tuesday while at work. Isn’t it good to know your tax dollars are well used?

And I can’t say that those fears are entirely unfounded. I’m still sore, on Thursday afternoon, from the run and also the gym last night. And I have the gym tonight again also.

So that will be my regime from now on:

Run Tuesdays

Gym Wednesdays and Thursdays

(although I can’t go for a run this Tuesday coming or to the gym next Thursday, so I’m already making excuses)

Other than that big change, it’s been a funny week, as I played cricket on the Saturday and Sunday this week, and actually batted for a while (thereby expending some energy). I did also have a few drinks on Sunday night but overall the weekend alcohol intake was relatively light on.

The upshot of it all? Well my weight as of tonight is 90kg. I’m on the verge of a significant milestone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sexy man...
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