Friday, 13 March 2009

The start of an experiment

I have an idea for an experiment within this little project of mine.

It involves reviewing my workout. It’s been borne out of a couple of issues. Firstly, when the cricket season winds up in two weeks my routine will change. As a consequence I’ll have a spare day at least during the week, and be able to take Friday off (and drink, come to think of it). Secondly, it’s clear that I need to change my current routine because of its length and its lack of focus on my priorities. Thirdly, I’d almost forgot the number of Human Movement grads I know.

So this is the plan: I’m gonna give a few of my Human Movement mates some key information about my current regime, my aims and goals, etc. And I’m asking them to come up with a new regime for me. I’ll compare them, and probably ask them why they do certain things (if they’re different from the other routines proposed), and then find a good mix.

You won’t see the results for a couple of weeks – I won’t send out that information until next week as it is – but it might make for some interesting results.

Also this week, I finally got around to measuring the run I do every time I start cricket training. We have three ovals, and while others run once around one, I’ve taken to running twice around all three. Turns out its an even 3km run to warm me up. Sweet.

Speaking of runs, I’ve also started mapping a longer run than the one I do locally (which is 6.6km). I’ve mapped a 10km run, which should take me about 50 minutes so will be a good workout. I’m doing this for a couple of reasons I’ll reveal in a couple of weeks.

And finally, it seems I’m really starting to shed some kilos. I’m down to 91kg, which is well ahead of the curve (see attached nerdy graph, below).

OK, it’s not really a curve, but this map helps me to think of this whole project as like a one-day cricket run-chase, with run-rates required, par scores etc.

Sorry I’m late this week by the way.

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