Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Impersonal, self-indulgent and lengthy monologue about my travels

(Originally Emailed: May 15, 2006 8:29 PM)

Before I start I should mention that Bish has asked for a summary of my emails so he doesn't have to read the full emails.
Bish's precis:
- I flew to London about a week ago
- Its fun and expensive, and I've caught up with a few people
- I don't have a job yet
- I'm going to Riga with Peebs at the end of the week - oh dear
OK, for the rest of you, its not going to be much longer. After getting in to Heathrow at about 5am and getting to Greenwich by about 8.30am (after 4 train changes, and lugging my sizeable bags for the last km), I managed to stay up all day and then had a couple of drinks with Morgs that night. I spent Wednesday recovering and, in the afternoon, went to a session with First Contact, which sets up a bank account, gives you a UK mobile number, a phone-away card, a chance to set up a limited company (a tax loophole over here if youre working on contract), and gives you a few handy tips for living and working in the UK. Anyone coming over, I really recommend it - I think it cost $75, everything included.
Wednesday night Morgs and I caught up with Erica, Emp, Kev, Jez and Marion Collins (Nolesy's sister) for Emp's birthday. Was a good night, including eating at a Thai joint in Soho and drunkenly comparing Old School with Anchorman with a couple of other expats. Finished up at the Walkabout, drinking a snakebite - a "traditional" "Australian" "drink" consisting of half cider and half beer with a splash on grenadine (I think).
Recovered at Lords, watching the first day of the test that has just finished. Wokka, for the record, none of the MCC members stood up to clap a 50 but they did for Trescothick's (mediocre) century. I saw one bloke stand up for Piertersen's 50, but I think he was going to the dunny as he didn't hand in his egg-and-bacon tie on the way out. Good also to be at a game without the Fanatics.
On Friday I had a meeting with my job agency, who mentioned that because of the recent local elections, most borought have not settled their budgets and therefore won't know what positions they have until the end of this week at the earliest, so it looks like I'll be starting work a bit later than expected, although the good news is that I'll be able to start the day after I'm interviewed (and that I shouldn't have too much trouble getting one apparently). Also, until I get a bit of UK experience, my pay won't quite be what I expected.
Then headed to the Porterhouse on Friday night, caught up with the same crew again, and a couple of others, including Fee Hulton and Shaggy (which was a massive surprise). A few people couldn't make it, which confirmed my theory that the big showing at my going away bash was actually people wanting confirm that I was leaving. Was a good night, and I look forward to catching up with everyone else in the near future.
Sat night Geraldine (also a housemate) and I headed into Greenwich for a couple of quieties. Was a good night.
On Wednesday I'll be catching up with a few of the boys, and then its off to the Baltics on Sunday for a week of mayhem with Peebs. My liver hurts already.
Hope you're all well, and please keep me in the loop about all things Perth (or wherever you are)! Aside from email, my UK mobs is +447901541159.
Peta and Stevie - you never mentioned Anita's middle name to me, so I'm gonna assume it's Plugette as previously agreed. Hope she's going well and looks a bit less like Stevie.
Somers - I'm keen to head to Sweden let me know a good time for you guys and I'll organise a long weekend or something
Jeannie & Jamie - Ditto (But Belguim not Sweden)
Kel - Ditto again (But Scotland not Sweden)
Peebs - the Cutty Sark says hi back at you
Vinny and Bloke - happy birthday for this coming Thursday. Collo, you don't look a day over 35.
Cheers all

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