Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Snow News Day

Well that was foolish.

At midnight I heard on the news the utter catharsis of London’s transport system, buckling under the weight of snow. Not only were 10 of the 11 tube lines down, but buses stopped also, which I’d never heard of before. Ten inches of snow and basically you were stuck.

Thinking it was an opportunity to gloat, I sent a text to about ten good friends in the UK, boasting that tomorrow we were expecting 34 degrees (err, Celsius that is).

What surprised me was not that I got eight replies, way more than normal, but that all but one of them responded within ten minutes. And the tales they told – snowball fights with previously unknown neighbours, going to the pub … and most importantly not working.

I’ve been in London when it snows and the city looks utterly beautiful. No doubt this is partly relative to the usual grimy streets one encounters.

But I should’ve known better than to gloat about weather on the one day of the year when Londoners are happy that it’s cold and stuff is falling from the sky.

I’m a victim of my own hubris. And obviously now I want to be back in London even more.

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