Thursday, 27 August 2009


... uppance.

I'm sure it's on its way.

Following from last night's disaster I applied the heat pack all night and hoped it would pull up OK this morning. Not with a view to running - I was never a chance of that after last night - but to see if I could get around this morning without hobbling.

In short, I couldnt.

I walked in to work, and it didn't take long on that walk for me to be hobbling noticably. By the end of my walk to the bus it was almost pantomime.

It got worse.

At the moment the bathrooms on my floor at work are being refurbished, so to get to the bathroom I have to either go up or down a floor. I felt the call of nature and headed upstairs this morning, which was OK, but coming back downstairs was frankly excruciating. Basically any time I have to point my toes it hurts my calf. Quite a lot. So going downstairs is difficult, and even more difficult if the stairs are not long enough, as is the case in our building.

It got worse.

This afternoon we had a fire drill.

Four floors of walking down stairs, one step at a time, trying not to hold up the people behind me. And, given the company in the stairwell, trying not to swear too much.

These happen about once every three months and they have it today. Friggin' typical.

So at the end of the day I headed to the physio appointment, basically waiting for the inevitable. I explained what happened last night. Sarge gave me a fitness test...

"Try and hop on your bad leg"

"OK, I ... AAAARGH!"

"OK, that's a no then. You're out of the City to Surf."

He gave me a rub down and some acupuncture on the calf.

It got worse.

I'm unable to train for cricket for about two weeks, which is a kick in the guts. But at least I can still do some exercise - the bike, the swim, the ergo, and obviously weights.

But that didn't stop this week being completely disrupted for training. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it, dammit.

Excuse for what?

I'm up to 90.5kg.

Puck. Again.


Luke said...

Not good to hear mate. How about the timing on the fire drill...

dvd said...

I triggered the fire alarm.