Wednesday, 29 July 2009

The City to Surf Challenge

The Challenge is out there. On Monday I sent this out to friends I hoped would join me.

Yeah I'm competitive, and you can tell, but it is a great motivator.

We'll see how this works itself out...


Today I was off sick from work.

So it was somewhat ironic that I used part of the day to sign up for the City to Surf.

It's on August 30 and I'm doing it (just the 12km thanks, no marathon for me). I've never done it before. In fact I don't think I've ever run 12 consecutive kilometres before.

Some of you have known me for a long time, through the highs and lows of my fitness and weight (both of which are ongoing struggles I'm not going to pretend are over). For those of you who in the past had the luxury of saying "yeah I might be a little unfit but at least I'm not Plugger" your comeuppance has arrived. For those people I have a question for you.

My question to you is this: do you think you can beat me?

I am of course joking a little bit, but I'm keen to take this challenge, in less than five weeks, and I figure it will be much better and much more fun to do this with mates. It might even help us motivate each other. Bragging rights are a great motivator.

If you're keen, then visit here and get yourself organised.

I have taken the rather ambitious step of registering for Group B (you'll know what that means when you sign up). I'm a little bit scared about it now.

So who else wants to avoid the shame of losing to me, or even worse, chickening out? Who else is keen on doing this (with or without bragging rights)?
If you're keen, then get on board.

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